
3 Key Elements In A Website SEO

3 Key Elements In A Website SEO There are three main elements in  #SEO website  we need to know and do if you want to optimize a website on search engines.  These three elements, among others;  Keywords Research, SEO Friendly Website (On Page Factor), and baclinks (Off Page Factor).  By knowing the important elements in SEO, we will more easily perform optimization of a website in search engines for the long term. Let's discuss the three major elements of the SEO: 1. Keywords (Keywords) Website Keywords are phrases or strings of words that someone typed in the search field when they look for information on search engines, such as Google.  Keywords (keywords) which the user types the search engines can one syllable, two syllables, three syllables, or even can be in the form of short sentences, depending on each user.  In one niche, there are some keywords that are frequently used by Google in the search engine user.  Now website owners need to research keywords to find th

Follow the rules Always My Blog Shaped In Creating A Website

Follow the rules Always My Blog Shaped In Creating A Website Website shaped blogs may now be one of the most numerous.  First, because many platform and easy to use as WordPress, Blogspot or Tumblr.  Secondly, blogs can be a container ideas in various forms. I until now have been making some form of blog websites, including Free IM this.  Some of them are successful, the rest failed.  From this experience I made a rule that I always follow if you want a successful blog. Plan carefully Benjamin Franklin said, "  if you fail to plan, you're planning to fail  ", roughly meaning that failing to plan means planning for failure. Initial planning is very important, when the website was launched there was no time to reengineer.  If the most fundamental lack of good planning, the new website is going to be   is not clear  , and we as the author was   reluctant  . There are several things that must be planned before making blog: What is the topic?  Is this intere

Why Moderation Comments on Blog Very Important?

Why Moderation Comments on Blog Very Important? Comment, something very easy to be found today, both in relationships, social media, even in a blog though.  The content of the comment itself is nothing important there are not important, no building, but some are dropped. How does it then we respond to these comments?  Is there a best way if we find all kinds of comments on the blog that we have?  Find answers in the following short review. As we know, the comment box is one important element in a blog.  Although some people may prefer to remove the general features of this one, but its presence is very much bring benefits if we are able to manage it well. Other articles:   Simple Ways to Overcome Comment Spam in Blogs Advantages of Having Columns Comments on Blog A comment box can be a bridge between readers and the blog owner.  By commenting and answering the comments, readers and blog owners will become more familiar as communicate with each other.  The blog owner can

10 Benefits of Blogging For A Professional Blogger

10 Benefits of Blogging For A Professional Blogger Self-expression is channeled through the media on the Internet into a new entertainment for the modern society, and participate in online has become a trend nowadays.  Of course, this is very influential on the creativity that continually created and will open up many opportunities packaged in digital form. Blogging and social media, are the two components that can display the side of someone that was not publicized be seen by the whole world.  In fact, to make it happen did not need a diploma or higher education because, in fact, provide information honestly and simply can suck the attention of netizens. So what to do? World indirect necessarily know who and what your work without any "announcement" of yourself.  Through what?  A self hosted blog with  domain name  itself is a good move.  Actually, it is okay to use free facilities such as,, or, but it gives the impression you