
Linda Ikeji, Blogger Successful Raup Billions of rupiah per Month From free blog

Linda Ikeji, Blogger Successful Raup Billions of rupiah per Month From free blog Being a blogger is something fun.  Imagine, with just facing the laptop from the room and write the things that we like, we can make money from the writings.  There are so many success stories online businesses to pursue the profession of being a professional blogger.  Perhaps the blogger friends have been many who know the name of this one.  Linda Ikeji, the blog owner  .  Blogger Nigerian woman has a very fantastic earnings despite only using a free blogging platform owned by Google, which Based on the information I found on some external sites, Linda Ikeji income from his blog in 2013 reached USD $ 65,000 per month, or when converted into rupiah Rp 800 million per month.  Most likely earnings will continue to grow along with the increasing popularity and traffic blog.  In my estimation, the current Nigerian blogger earnings could reach $ 1 billion more per m

Chicken Day ~ Business Opportunities Culinary Fast Food Chicken concept Modern Franchise

Chicken Day ~ Business Opportunities Culinary Fast Food Chicken concept Modern Franchise When asked about what food ingredients to be one of the favorite dishes complement rice, almost all of us would agree that the chicken is the answer.  Almost everyone likes chicken, except vegetarians and people allergic to chicken meat content. At home casual dining, fast food restaurant as well as a five-star restaurant, chicken-based menu often so reliable.  The chicken had a delicious flavor that is easily integrated with any seasoning. For some people are keen to take advantage of business opportunities, restaurant fast food made from chicken also can be a business inspiration is no less promising when compared with other culinary business. Unique concept which Carried By Chicken Day Realizing the potential of chicken as the main raw material in the culinary business, a business that later was named Chicken Day ventured to go into the field of catering business.  The idea to develo

Rocket Chicken, Business Struggle who Breeds Achieving Amazing

Rocket Chicken, Business Struggle who Breeds Achieving Amazing What business can be started from the basic ingredients of the chicken?  Of course a lot.  Various culinary businesses such as restaurants special menu of chicken, shredded chicken or beef rendang chicken usually be the right choice.  Not surprisingly well when many  #bisnis franchises familiar with the menu of processed chicken reap huge profits in the homeland.  But of the many foreign franchises rely chicken menu, tucked one franchise native Indonesia, which also carries the materials and the same menu.  Rocket Chicken franchise it is. Beginning Of A Difficulty Nurul Atik is the man who pioneered the presence of chicken-based restaurant franchise named Rocket Chicken.  Nurul previously worked as a cleaning service at one of the fast-food restaurant.  Less revenue and the process of learning that he had done for 10 years brought him more determined to quit his old profession and start a new profession. Seeing t

Healthy Catering Business Success, With Some Tips Here It

Healthy Catering Business Success, With Some Tips Here It In one of the articles we have discussed earlier, in which to discuss the opportunities and potential for developing culinary business that promotes healthy menu variants.  These types of cuisine as it turns more and more interest from consumers who want to get to the food intake of good quality and can guarantee their health. This phenomenon was not only apply abroad alone, in Indonesia alone urban communities are also increasingly aware of the importance of healthy eating.  This created some culinary business began to look at this opportunity, in the form of healthy catering business services. Potential Developing Healthy Catering Business Basically developed a catering business is healthy, not too different from a catering business in general.  What distinguishes the course of grain and prioritizing variants of menu combinations and nutritional composition according to the consumer needs.  Looking in the capital Ja

Blogging Without the "Lives" ~ Error Dlm Online Marketing

Blogging Without the "Lives" ~ Error Dlm Online Marketing We all agree that blogging is an essential component daalam  #internet marketing   that can not be ignored since it benefits so great for a business.  Without a blog, a business owner will lose hundreds of millions of possible sales that can happen every day. But there's one very important thing than not have a blog yet.  What is that?  If the blog is no longer has a "soul" to be given to its readers. Still remember the last time you post a blog?  Is 6 months ago?  Yup, be prepared if you have to miss many opportunities just because your blog is a dead blog.  Worse still, this gives an indication that your business is experiencing a decline in productivity and will slowly destroy the credibility, especially for  #bisnis online  . Tight competition among businesses now use online media inevitably must be addressed wisely.  You can not be complacent just when a system is running well, that change