
Showing posts with the label seo

Tips for Choosing a SEO Services Indonesia - Cheap Price / Expensive Is Not Guarantee

Tips for Choosing a SEO Services Indonesia - Cheap Price / Expensive Is Not Guarantee SEO Services Indonesia  - Again I wrote about SEO (search engine optimization).  This topic is very interesting because now a lot of people searching for information through search engines such as Google or Bing.  Increased search engine users make website owners vying so that they become the main sites in the search pages of search engines for particular keywords, search engines especially Google.  And one of the steps that are often made by business people to make their sites are on the main page of a search engine is to hire a SEO services provider. If we type the keyword "SEO Services" (without the quotes) in the Google search engine pages, surely we will find many websites that offer optimization services website position in search engine pages, especially Google.  Website optimization services provider's position could have been a company focus on SEO or it could be an indi

Facing Simple Ways Google Algorithm Update

Facing Simple Ways Google Algorithm Update In 2012, the last and the beginning of 2013 was a time of hard work for a team of anti-SPAM Google, led by Matt Cutts, when they are very busy in the effort to clean up the list of Search Engines Google of sites SPAM and sites that contain content are not qualified.  For the 'workers' SEO and internet marketer must have felt the impact.  There are a lot of change of position of the website in search engines Google, even many websites are experiencing deindex (removed from the Google search list). At the end of 2012, one of my Amazon affiliate sites also experience adverse effects as a result of significant changes in the algorithm of Google, I experienced deindex website.  If you have this, certainly the traffic to the site will be greatly reduced, let alone hope no sales ... visitors who came to the site could be counted on the fingers, pathetic indeed. But somehow, I'm not even sad to see my site deindex, but it felt mo

About the Author Rank, SEO and Google Plus ~ Why They Matter?

About the Author Rank, SEO and Google Plus ~ Why They Matter? The perpetrators of internet marketing, blogger, web masters, and other internet users, must have known about the existence of Google plus social media.  It is one of the social media is starting a trend among bloggers, especially internet marketers who frequently use Google.  In my opinion, the rise of social media created by Google is not only want to compete with the "courage" of social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  I see there are other missions that are being conducted by the Google with this social media. Google is very focused on their core business, namely service Search Engine on the whole world.  They want to provide search results to help users of Google Search Engine by displaying quality web pages.  If in the past, a lot of internet marketers who can outsmart the search results on Google, but after the development of Google Panda and Penguin algorithm, the story is different now. Howev

8 Simple Steps To Maximize SEO A Website

8 Simple Steps To Maximize SEO A Website If you own a business and want to market it online, then one of the very effective marketing strategy today is that using a search engine, such as Google.  If your website / blog in the top 10 Google search results for the keywords that you aim, you can bet that your visitors will come from search engines and most likely they will buy a product or use a service that you sell through your website.  Marketing through search engine optimization as a marketing techniques arguably the most elite and effective because it is free and conversions are usually high. To help your website in the top 10 Google search results, not an easy thing ... hum is not too difficult, too.  Already a lot of information on the Internet that discuss tips and tricks so that an optimal site in search engines, especially Google.  Some information there that provide tips On Page optimization and some are giving tips Off Page optimization.  I tried to summarize in broa