
Showing posts with the label Blogging

10 Benefits of Blogging For A Professional Blogger

10 Benefits of Blogging For A Professional Blogger Self-expression is channeled through the media on the Internet into a new entertainment for the modern society, and participate in online has become a trend nowadays.  Of course, this is very influential on the creativity that continually created and will open up many opportunities packaged in digital form. Blogging and social media, are the two components that can display the side of someone that was not publicized be seen by the whole world.  In fact, to make it happen did not need a diploma or higher education because, in fact, provide information honestly and simply can suck the attention of netizens. So what to do? World indirect necessarily know who and what your work without any "announcement" of yourself.  Through what?  A self hosted blog with  domain name  itself is a good move.  Actually, it is okay to use free facilities such as,, or, but it gives the impression you

Linda Ikeji, Blogger Successful Raup Billions of rupiah per Month From free blog

Linda Ikeji, Blogger Successful Raup Billions of rupiah per Month From free blog Being a blogger is something fun.  Imagine, with just facing the laptop from the room and write the things that we like, we can make money from the writings.  There are so many success stories online businesses to pursue the profession of being a professional blogger.  Perhaps the blogger friends have been many who know the name of this one.  Linda Ikeji, the blog owner  .  Blogger Nigerian woman has a very fantastic earnings despite only using a free blogging platform owned by Google, which Based on the information I found on some external sites, Linda Ikeji income from his blog in 2013 reached USD $ 65,000 per month, or when converted into rupiah Rp 800 million per month.  Most likely earnings will continue to grow along with the increasing popularity and traffic blog.  In my estimation, the current Nigerian blogger earnings could reach $ 1 billion more per m

Blogging Without the "Lives" ~ Error Dlm Online Marketing

Blogging Without the "Lives" ~ Error Dlm Online Marketing We all agree that blogging is an essential component daalam  #internet marketing   that can not be ignored since it benefits so great for a business.  Without a blog, a business owner will lose hundreds of millions of possible sales that can happen every day. But there's one very important thing than not have a blog yet.  What is that?  If the blog is no longer has a "soul" to be given to its readers. Still remember the last time you post a blog?  Is 6 months ago?  Yup, be prepared if you have to miss many opportunities just because your blog is a dead blog.  Worse still, this gives an indication that your business is experiencing a decline in productivity and will slowly destroy the credibility, especially for  #bisnis online  . Tight competition among businesses now use online media inevitably must be addressed wisely.  You can not be complacent just when a system is running well, that change

Some Important Terms In Blogging and Meaning

Some Important Terms In Blogging and Meaning For those of you who are new to the blogging world, here are a few terms that are often used or known in the world of blogging.  Let's listen to the information to enrich our knowledge about blogging: 1. Post Defined as an activity to distribute the content information to be known by others.  Posts can last between one party and another party through the mediation of the email.  Or from one party to many parties as a person does when posting in  #media social  , blog, website or other mass media. By posting, then a party may disseminate the information the form of articles, phrases, images, video or sound files quickly and easily. 2. Blogger Parties that have a blog or create content on a blog.  Blogger build a blog is usually aimed at spreading information or announcements to be known by others who read their blogs.  But there are also bloggers who make the blog as a means to write an experience or expression of mood ever